Training Videos > WordPress Essentials
Helpful Keyboard Shortcuts
In the WordPress visual editor you can use a combination of keys to do things that normally need a mouse, trackpad or other input device. Rather than reaching for your mouse to click on the toolbar, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts:
Windows and Linux use “Ctrl + letter”, Mac uses “Command (⌘) + letter”.
Ctrl + key
Letter | Action |
c | Copy |
v | Paste |
a | Select all |
x | Cut |
z | Undo |
y | Redo |
b | Bold |
i | Italic |
u | Underline |
k | Insert/edit link |
Formatting Shortcuts
Formatting Shortcuts while using visual editor (Since Version 4.3)
Letter | Action |
* | Start an unordered list |
– | Start an unordered list |
1. | Start an ordered list |
1) | Start an ordered list |
## | H2 |
### | H3 |
#### | H4 |
##### | H5 |
###### | H6 |
> | transform text into blockquote |
— | horizontal line |
`..` |
transform text into code block |

WordPress Essentials
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