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WordPress Settings
The ‘Settings’ menu is used to configure your WordPress install, from the ‘Title’ and ‘Tagline’ to how permalinks are structured. The ‘Settings’ options change the way search engines, site users and you interact with and manage the content on your site.
The ‘General’ tab under settings lets you configure some of the most basic settings in WordPress–your ‘Site Title’ and ‘Tagline’, the WordPress and site URL, The site admin email address, if the site should have open registration and how dates and times appear on your site.

The ‘Writing’ screen is for controlling how post content should display by default. These settings include emoticon conversion, what ‘Default Post Category’ to use, how a post should be formatted, the ‘Press This’ bookmark and ‘Post via e-mail’ settings.
‘Reading’ is where you can set if a page or a list of posts should display on your home page. It also gives options for how many posts should display on your blog–as well as other feeds, if it should show the full post or just a summary and whether or not you want people to discover your site on search engines like Google.
The ‘Discussion’ screen sets how your site manages posts that get shared on other sites and comments. This includes pingback and trackback settings, comment moderation settings, comment notifications and Avatar display options.

‘Media Settings’ gives options for choosing what sizes to convert images to when uploading them to the media library and if uploaded images should be organized into month and year based folders on your server.
The ‘Permalink’ settings allow you to create a custom URL structure for permalinks and archives. This can improve the aesthetics, usability and forward compatibility of your links displayed in the browser.

WordPress Essentials
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