Training Videos > WordPress Essentials
Changing Passwords
Changing passwords is an important piece of website security. Creating and maintaining ‘Strong’ passwords help protect your site from brute force attacks and potential identity theft.
To change your password, under ‘Users’ in the WordPress dashboard click ‘Your Profile’. At the bottom of the ‘Profile’ screen type a new password in the text box next to ‘New Password’ and reenter the password where it says ‘Repeat New Password’.
Type a new password in the text box next to ‘New Password’ and reenter the password where it says ‘Repeat New Password’. The ‘Strength Indicator’ below ‘Repeat New Password’ will analyze your new password and provide a real-time assessment of how strong your new password is.
Once you are satisfied with your new password click the ‘Update Profile’ button and a banner will appear letting you know your profile has updated.

WordPress Essentials
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